There are many depictions of creatures which look surprisingly like our modern day concept of aliens. Could these ancient pictures be evidence of extraterrestrial contact in ancient times? is a forum of friendly people interested in serious investigation into the paranormal. We have set up special sections devoted to unbiased investigation into Ufology and ghosts/hauntings. We also have a weekly podcast interviewing people with particular expertise in the paranormal phenomena. We are always looking for people who would like to be interviewed on their field of knowledge. Please come join us and relate any experiences or ideas you have pertaining to extraterrestrials and UFOs, ghosts, hauntings,poltegeists, medium abilities, angelic encounters etc.
I thought this thing is fake ; i've seen it in a book ... u sure its real ?
Come on, any serious student of history knows that this is just a picture of a flower. You can even see the vase below the "eyes" (leaves, actually).
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